Sunday 31st: Last day of summer... so we decided to finish it with a short getaway to Limassol Marina and enjoy this view (again)...
Friday 5th September: Strike-pose and snapped...This week's post had a vintage touch, more details here..
Saturday 6th in the afternoon: Enjoying our drink having this beautiful view in one of the most amazing cafeterias in my town being in all retro mood :)
Hello my dear friends!!! This insta-week post is quite short as my week was quite quiet and relaxed :)
My outfits were mostly casual-chic combining over-waist shorts with plain tops or smart shirts in order to create the ''deception'' of having long legs :) Join me?
P.S: For more outfit updates follow me on instagram @mcgfashion or on twitter @marixristia!!!
Thanks :)
Have a lovely Monday and a peaceful week!!!
Take care!!!
Big kiss
LOVELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
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