Dress: Mango
Jacket: Asos
Shoes: Riverisland
Clutch bag: Riverisland
Good evening my ladies!!! Hope you had a good start of the week...If not smile, wear your red lipstick, put on your leather jacket with your most flirty and flashy dress that you have in your wardrobe and believe me your mood will change automatically. I love leather jackets because of their flexibility to go with everything, from the most casual cloth to the most formal one... Here I combine it with a classic line red dress, how do you wear your leather jackets? Waiting for your comments :)
Have a great week and remember that the best accessory on you is your smile so always wear it :)
Take care and Cya xxxx
So much pretty and gorgeous! Leather jacket and red dress is never die! Cool post :))
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήThank you darling :) xx